Red Bull Stratos

UPDATE: After an extended delay due to high winds, the Stratos balloon began inflating, only for gusts at the launch site to force a mission abort. Red Bull Stratos have scrubbed any launch attempt for today. Weather in New Mexico over the coming days seem unsettled. More information soon...

Oct. 9, 2012 -- Today, over the skies of Roswell, N.M., Austrian daredevil Felix Baumgartner's attempt to break the high-altitude freefall record was canceled due to gusty winds around the launch site. The time of the next attempt has yet to be confirmed.

For an overview of today's events read: "Supersonic Skydive Attempt Aborted Due to Winds"

If he succeeds he breaks world records and goes down in history, if he fails... well... It won't be pretty.

The Red Bull Stratos mission is being covered live by Discovery News, Discovery Channel and Velocity. Follow@Discovery_News@Discovery@VelocityTV1 and the hashtag #SpaceJumpLIVE on Twitter for live updates and commentary.


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