Who is Arvind Kejriwal?

Arvind Kejriwal is a social activist and founder of "Parivartan"a social organization against Corruption.The main objective of Parivartan is to help people in getting their issue resolved without bribes in government departments and Organizations

Arvind Kejriwal Early Life:

Arvind Kejriwal was born on 16th June,1968 at Hissar in Harayana.He graduated form IIT Kharagpur in Mechanical Engineering in 1989.Befiore joining the Indian Revenue Service in 1992,he served in Tata Steel.Aftrer Joining IRS he was posted in Income Tax Office in New Delhi as Joint Commissioner.In 2000,he founded the parivartan and since then he has been fighting for social causes

Arvind Kejriwal and Right to Information Act:

After founding Parivartan,Arvind took leave from his IRS Job and along with Arun Roy and other participated in Right to Information Act.This is due to his efforts that Right to Information Act,Delhi was passed in 2001 and the National Parliament has passed the Right to Information Act in 2005.Finally in February 2006,Arvind resigned from his job in Indian Revenue service to work full time for the "Parivartan" and "Social Issues"

Arvind Kejrival and Jan Lokpal Bill:

Arvind Kejriwal is an active member of drafting committee that is constituted for the Establishment and enactment of Jan lokpal Bill.He is the main policy maker and key figure along with Anna HAzare in Jan Lokpal bill

Awards for Arvind Kejriwal:

Arvind Kejriwal was awarded Magsaysay Award for his contribution in the enactment of Right to Information Act 2011.Arvind gives credit of reward to all the participants of RTI movement who even risked their lives for this movement.

Arvind Kejriwal Sleeping on Platform

Arvind Kejriwal Contact:Phone Number,E mail address:

Arvind Kejriwal Face book:http://www.facebook.com/pages/Arvind-Kejriwal

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