Raimundo Arruda Sobrinho writes beautiful poetry, but for almost 35 years only a few passersby in São Paulo, Brazil, got the chance to read his words.

That's because, for more than three decades, Sobrinho was homeless, according to Facebook. The social media site has produced Sobrinho's story in the video above as part of its "Facebook Stories" initiative.
In 2011, the homeless poet's life forever changed when he met a woman named Shalla Monteiro. Monteiro created a Facebook page so the world could experience Sobrinho's poems. To date, Sobrinho's page has almost 40,000 fans -- but one proved to be more important than the others: Sobrinho's brother.
In the video above, made early this year, you can hear Sobrinho's full story -- how he was reunited with his family and is on schedule to publish his poetry. You may need a box of tissues.


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